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CITY CARD Offer Image
To be or not to be: Heil Hamlet - Comedy, Burgfestspiele Dreieichenhain - 2for1-Tickets
The Schlossfestspiele Ettlingen is giving a guest performance of "To be or not to be - Heil Hamlet" at Hayn Castle. In Nick Whitby's play based on the film by Ernst Lubitsch, a Polish theater has to transform itself into a Gestapo headquarters in order to save the theater and the people from the occupation. A crazy game of confusion takes its course. A fast-paced comedy with plenty of black humor and slapstick.

Photo: Schlossfestspiele Ettlingen
21.7., 19.30 (The events of the Dreieichenhain Castle Festival take place open air and in all weathers. A large part of the grandstand is covered. If required, rain capes are available for the audience in the uncovered rows and will be distributed at the entrance at the beginning of the performance).
Burgfestspiele Dreieichenhain, Burg Hayn, Fahrgasse 52, Dreieich
Advantage and final price:
2for1: Price category 3 = 33 €
Terms of Use and Ticket Collection:
21.7., 18.30-19 o'clock, box office





Reser­vation Deadline

Online Booking
To be or not to be: Heil Hamlet - Comedy, Burgfestspiele Dreieichenhain - 2for1-Tickets
33,- €
CITY CARD Reservierungsart Symbol

Limited slots still available, booking is possible
Fully booked, no more bookings available
Voucher Redemption
Booking available at a later date
Usable without prior booking or with booking directly with the offer partner