Online Booking
Online Buchung
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(necessary for your booking confirmation)
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CITY CARD Offer Image
Moya Café - in Frankfurt Bockenheim - A free cup of Ethiopian coffee
Harvested, roasted and prepared with love! That's the coffee at the Moya Café. Here, the coffee beans come directly from the coffee fields of Ethiopia, where they are roasted and packaged with dedication. This is almost unique in Frankfurt and is the first café in Frankfurt to offer it this way.
A free cup of Ethiopian coffee at the Moya Café
In July 2024
Moya Café, Wildunger Str. 1B, Frankfurt
Terms of Use and Ticket Collection:
Download the CITY CARD voucher (yellow star), print it out and hand it in with your order.





Reser­vation Deadline

Online Booking
Moya Café - in Frankfurt Bockenheim - A free cup of Ethiopian coffee
0 €
CITY CARD Reservierungsart Symbol

Limited slots still available, booking is possible
Fully booked, no more bookings available
Voucher Redemption
Booking available at a later date
Usable without prior booking or with booking directly with the offer partner