Leisure Highlight
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In the garden of contentment - Chinese painting in the museum of applied arts - 2for1-tickets
The museum of applied arts (MAK) in Frankfurt am Main is one of the most internationally renowned and distinguished museums of its kind. It is dedicated to the applied arts, design in arts and crafts, design, fashion, book art, graphics and architecture, lifestyles and the performative.

"In the Garden of Contentment" shows the MAK's collection of Chinese painting. This has many faces: landscapes, religious and mythological subjects, genre scenes and portraits. A distinction has long been made between commissioned works executed by professional painters and those created by educated "amateurs", which have always been held in much higher esteem than the former. This "literati painting" has many manifestations, but is basically characterized by a remarkable continuity and a restrained, quiet language. Not infrequently, color is completely dispensed with, the world in them appears solely in delicate traces of ink. Unlike Chinese porcelain, for example, painting from the Middle Kingdom only found its way into Western collections much later and to a much lesser extent.

Even in the Museum Angewandte Kunst, whose extensive Asian collections date back to the late 19th century, Chinese painting remained a niche topic for a long time. However, around sixty works, some of which are highly significant, are now part of the museum's collection. Due to their sensitivity to light, they are only shown rarely and for a limited time. These were scientifically analyzed in a multi-year research project starting in 2020. To mark the completion of the project, the previously largely unknown collection of Chinese paintings will now be presented in an exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst.

Image: Portrait of Minister Jingweng in his "Garden of Contentment" by Yan Hongzi, photo Rainer Drexel
2for1 Tickets für das museum angewandte kunst (regulär 12 €)
bis 14.7.2024 (Di, Do–So 10–18 Uhr; Mi 10–20 Uhr; Mo geschlossen; an Feiertagen ggf. geänderte Öffnungszeiten)
museum angewandte kunst, Schaumainkai 17, Frankfurt
Terms of Use and Ticket Collection:
CITY CARD-Gutschein downloaden (gelber Stern), ausdrucken und an der Museumskasse abgeben.





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Im Garten der Zufriedenheit – Chinesische Malerei im museum angewandte kunst – 2for1-Tickets
12,- €

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