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CITY CARD Offer Image
Lars Reichow: Boomerland - music cabaret in the Neue Stadthalle Langen - 2for1 tickets
Boomers are not rare animals or endangered cuddly toys, but millions of people born between 1950 and 1970. They like to laugh, enjoy going to the cabaret, are forward-looking and enjoy life responsibly. The Klaviator wants to set a monument to this generation. And at the same time, it wants to build a bridge to the millennial generation, Generation Z. Boomers welcome - Millennials beloved!

The Mainz music cabaret artist's program is once again wild and dramatic, funny and, of course, hilarious. A storm of emotions and only real with the wing of passion.
6.12., 8 p.m.
Neue Stadthalle Langen, Südliche Ringstr. 75, Langen
Advantage and final price:
2for1: 32 €
Terms of Use and Ticket Collection:
6.12., 19.30-19.45, box office





Reser­vation Deadline

Online Booking
Lars Reichow - Music cabaret in the Stadthalle Langen - 2for1 tickets
32,- €
CITY CARD Reservierungsart Symbol

Limited slots still available, booking is possible
Fully booked, no more bookings available
Voucher Redemption
Booking available at a later date
Usable without prior booking or with booking directly with the offer partner